

Generic interface to query a database.

View the Project on GitHub brunomendola/querity

Querity is a generic interface to run database queries in your Java application.

It supports various database technologies, both SQL and NoSQL, and each support is built into modules, so you can import the one which fits into your project.

Why you should use Querity?

✔ learn once, use everywhere

✔ zero logic needed apart building a generic Query object

✔ switch database without rewriting the logic of your application

✔ ready to use REST API which implements filtering, sorting and pagination, to be consumed by your UI components

✔ expose the same REST API in all your projects



All releases are published to the Maven Central repository (see here).

Install one of the modules in your project as follows (see Available modules).




implementation "net.brunomendola.querity:querity-spring-data-jpa:1.2.0"

See Releases to check the latest version and see the changelogs.

All modules are “Spring Boot starters”, if you use Spring Boot you just need to add the dependency to your project and start using it, no other configuration needed.

Available modules

Currently, Querity supports the following technologies with its modules:


Supports Spring Data JPA.


Supports Spring Data MongoDB.


Supports JSON serialization and deserialization of Querity objects in Spring Web MVC.

Quick start

In your Spring Boot project, add the dependency as shown in Installing and create a Spring service as follows:

import static net.brunomendola.querity.api.Querity.*;
import static net.brunomendola.querity.api.Operator.*;
import static net.brunomendola.querity.api.Sort.Direction.*;

public class MyService {

  Querity querity;

  public Result<Person> getPeople() {
    Query query = Querity.query()
                filterBy("lastName", EQUALS, "Skywalker"),
                filterBy("firstName", EQUALS, "Luke")
        .sort(sortBy("lastName"), sortBy("birthDate", DESC))
        .pagination(1, 10)
    List<Person> items = querity.findAll(Person.class, query);
    Long totalCount = querity.count(Person.class, query.getFilter());
    return new Result<>(items, totalCount);

  record Result<T>(List<T> items, Long totalCount) {

In the above example, the findAll method returns the first of n pages with max 10 elements of all people NOT named Luke Skywalker, sorted by last name and then birthdate descending.
The count method returns the total filtered items count excluding pagination (the record keyword is implemented from Java 14).

Note the static imports to improve the readability.


Use the static method Querity.query().build() to build an empty query (see the following chapters to build a more complex query).

You can @Autowire the Querity service to run queries against the database configured in your application.

Having the Querity service, you can use the following instance methods:


Use Querity.query().filter(condition).build() to build a query with filters.

You can build filters which contains conditions, and they can be simple or nested conditions.


Simple conditions

Use Querity.filterBy to build a simple condition with a property name, an operator and a value (if needed by the operator, e.g. IS_NULL does not need a value).

Query query = Querity.query()
    .filter(filterBy("lastName", EQUALS, "Skywalker"))

AND conditions

Use Querity.and and add more conditions to wrap them in a logical AND.

Query query = Querity.query()
            filterBy("firstName", EQUALS, "Luke"),
            filterBy("lastName", EQUALS, "Skywalker")

You can also nest more levels of complex conditions.

OR conditions

Use Querity.or and add more conditions to wrap them in a logical OR.

Query query = Querity.query()
            filterBy("lastName", EQUALS, "Skywalker"),
            filterBy("lastName", EQUALS, "Kenobi")

You can also nest more levels of complex conditions.

NOT conditions

Use Querity.not and specify a condition to wrap it in a logical NOT.

You can wrap simple conditions:

Query query = Querity.query()
    .filter(not(filterBy("lastName", EQUALS, "Skywalker")))

or complex conditions:

Query query = Querity.query()
            filterBy("firstName", EQUALS, "Luke"),
            filterBy("lastName", EQUALS, "Skywalker")

Native conditions

Use Querity.filterByNative and specify a native condition to use a database-specific condition in your query.

This could be useful if you really want to add very complex query conditions that cannot be built with the Querity APIs.

Native conditions are supported only with Java API, not REST.

Example with Spring Data JPA:

Specification<Person> specification = (root, cq, cb) -> cb.equal(root.get("lastName"), "Skywalker");
Query query = Querity.query()

Example with Spring Data MongoDB:

Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("lastName").is("Skywalker");
Query query = Querity.query()


Use Querity.query().sort(...).build() to build a query with sorting.

Use Querity.sortBy to build a sort criteria.

Query query = Querity.query()
    .sort(sortBy("lastName"), sortBy("birthDate", DESC))


Use Querity.query().pagination(page, pageSize).build() to build a query with pagination.

Query query = Querity.query()
    .pagination(1, 5)

Support for Spring MVC and REST APIs

Querity objects need some configuration to be correctly deserialized when they are received by a Spring @RestController as a JSON payload.

These configurations are automatically done by importing the querity-spring-web module (see Installing) .

After that, you’ll be able to use a Query or Condition as a controller parameter and build REST APIs like this:

import net.brunomendola.querity.api.Query;

public class MyRestController {

  MyService service;

  @GetMapping(value = "/people", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  Result<Person> getPeople(@RequestParam(required = false) Query q) {
    return service.getPeople(q);

Then the above REST API could be invoked like this:

curl 'http://localhost:8080/people?q={"filter":{"and":[{"propertyName":"lastName","operator":"EQUALS","value":"Skywalker"},{"propertyName":"lastName","operator":"EQUALS","value":"Luke"}]}}'

Support for DTO layer

You may not want to expose database entities to the clients of your REST APIs.

If you implemented a DTO layer, with DTO objects mapping properties from your entities, the queries which would come to your REST APIs will have the DTO property names, not the entity ones. This is a problem, because some queries would not work, looking for non-existing properties on the entities.

Note: it would work without any help only if properties in the DTO have the same name and structure of the properties in the entity

Querity has a “preprocessing layer” which you can use to map the DTO property names in your Query to the entity property names.


Use the @WithPreprocessor("beanName") annotation to annotate Query or Condition parameters in your Spring RestControllers.

The beanName argument must refer to an existing Spring bean which implements QueryPreprocessor.

When entering your controller method, the Query or Condition object would already be preprocessed.


PropertyNameMappingPreprocessor is a QueryProcessor abstraction to convert property names.

Querity already has a simple mapper, SimplePropertyNameMapper, which simply does a property name conversion by looking into a Map you must provide.

To use PropertyNameMappingPreprocessor with SimplePropertyNameMapper, instantiate a bean into your Spring configuration:

public class MyApplication {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);

  public QueryPreprocessor preprocessor1() {
    return new PropertyNameMappingPreprocessor(
            .mapping("prop1", "prop2") // customize your mappings here

and use it to annotate the parameter in your RestController.

public class MyRestController {

  MyService service;

  @GetMapping(value = "/people", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  Result<Person> getPeople(@RequestParam(required = false) @WithPreprocessor("preprocessor1") Query q) {
    return service.getPeople(q);