Baselines an existing database, excluding all migrations up to and including baselineVersion.
<flyway:baseline />
Attribute | Required | Default | Description |
url | YES | The jdbc url to use to connect to the database | |
driver | NO | Auto-detected based on url | The fully qualified classname of the jdbc driver to use to connect to the database |
user | NO | The user to use to connect to the database | |
password | NO | The password to use to connect to the database | |
schemas | NO | default schema of the connection | Case-sensitive list of schemas managed by Flyway. The first schema will be the one containing the metadata table. |
table | NO | schema_version | The name of Flyway's metadata table. By default (single-schema mode) the metadata table is placed in the default schema for the connection provided by the datasource. When the flyway.schemas property is set (multi-schema mode), the metadata table is placed in the first schema of the list. |
callbacks | NO | Fully qualified class names of FlywayCallback implementations to use to hook into the Flyway lifecycle. | |
skipDefaultCallbacks | NO | false | Whether default built-in callbacks (sql) should be skipped. If true, only custom callbacks are used. |
baselineVersion | NO | 1 | The version to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline |
baselineDescription | NO |
The description to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline |
classpath | NO | The Ant classpath used to load the JDBC driver and the migrations | |
classpathref | NO | The Ant classpath reference used to load the JDBC driver and the migrations |
<property name="flyway.driver" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/> <property name="flyway.url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:file:/db/flyway_sample"/> <property name="flyway.user" value="SA"/> <property name="flyway.password" value="mySecretPwd"/> <property name="flyway.schemas" value="schema1,schema2,schema3"/> <property name="flyway.table" value="schema_history"/> <property name="flyway.callbacks" value="com.mycomp.MyCallback,com.mycomp.OtherCallback"/> <property name="flyway.skipDefaultCallbacks" value="false"/> <property name="flyway.baselineVersion" value="1.0"/> <property name="flyway.baselineDescription" value="Base Migration"/>
[flyway:baseline] Creating Metadata table: schema_version (Schema: PUBLIC) [flyway:baseline] Schema baselined with version: 1