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Website: Dev Environment Setup

To contribute to the Flyway website you will need to set up your development environment so that you run the website locally and submit changes.

For this you will need to set up Git, Ruby, the Ruby Dev Kit, Jekyll and an editor.


The Flyway website is developed using Git for version control, just like Flyway itself. Download the latest version here: http://msysgit.github.com/

Make sure the directory containing the binaries has been added the PATH. If you downloaded an installer this should have been taken care of for you.


In order to install and run Jekyll you need a working Ruby installation.

You can find the latest version of the RubyInstaller here: http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/.

Make sure the directory containing the binaries has been added the PATH. If you downloaded the installer this should have been taken care of for you.

Ruby Dev Kit

In order to install and run Jekyll you also need a Ruby Development Kit installation.

Make sure to pick the version matching the Ruby version you just installed. You can find it here: http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/.

Unzip in a folder and then open a command-line prompt there to execute:

> ruby dk.rb init

followed by

> ruby dk.rb install


To generate the static website from the Git repository we use Jekyll. You can install the latest version like this:

> gem install jekyll


The website uses html files with Liquid headers for Jekyll. We personally use IntelliJ, which works quite well, but feel free to use any editor that suits you.


Congratulations! You now have a fully functional dev environment for the Flyway website. You can start contributing!

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